Mastering Workplace Mentalizing: Enhancing Social Intelligence and Communication Skills

  • Author: Jodie O'Malley
  • Level: Beginner
  • Study time: 120 minutes
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Course overview
Effective communication and social intelligence are paramount for success in today's workplace. This microlearning on workplace mentalizing offers a transformative journey toward understanding and harnessing the power of human interaction. Mentalizing, the ability to grasp your thoughts and emotions and your colleagues, is the key to building stronger relationships, resolving conflicts, and elevating team dynamics. 

Learn. | Lead. | Leverage. | Empowering Your Evolution.

Course Highlights:

  • Enhance team productivity and collaboration through collective mentalizing.
  • Navigate intricate social scenarios with finesse using six dimensions of mentalizing.
  • Manage emotions for a harmonious work-life balance.
  • Gain insights into the brain's role in social interactions and emotional triggers.
  • Decode and resolve conflicts effectively.
  • Embrace the empowering 90/10 Principle for professional growth.
  • Ground your learning with practical workplace examples.
  • Foster a culture of learning and trust within your organization through epistemic trust.
Meet the instructor

Jodie O'Malley

I'm a certified executive coach, and licensed social worker. With over twenty years helping people change, facilitating team discussions, designing, implementing and teaching classes, your organization is in good hands. I specialize in creating safe and supportive work environments where people can express themselves, take risks, and collaborate effectively. I focus on developing leadership skills and emotional intelligence and driving cultural change.
Patrick Jones - Course author